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Various aetiologies of labral tears have been proposed:

  • trauma
    • traumatic tears are rare but can occur following a high or low velocity injury with or without subluxation or dislocation of the hip
  • femoracetabular impingment
    • morphologic abnormalities affecting the acetabulum or the proximal femur, or both can result in FAI, which can crush the labrum on movement resulting in a labral tear
  • capsular laxity
    • can lead to increased pressure on the anterosuperior labrum as the head moves anterior in the joint
  • dysplasia
    • can cause localized anterior, posterior or diffuse tears as a result of increased stresses on the labrum because of the abnormal position of the femur within the acetabulum
  • degeneration
    • a high percentage of labral abnormalities have been found in cadavers, suggesting degeneration with increasing age


  • Groh MM, Herrera J. A comprehensive review of hip labral tears. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med 2009; 2: 105-17.
  • Beaule PE, O'Neill M, Rakhra K. Acetabular labral tears. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2009; 91: 701-10.

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