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Influenza vaccination programme for Winter 2013/2014

Authoring team

Influenza Vaccination programme for Winter 2013/2014

This section summarises the advice on influenza vaccination for the 2013/14 influenza vaccination programme (1)

The following groups are offered the influenza vaccination

  • all children aged two years or three years, but not four years or older on or before the 1 September 2013 (date of birth on or after 2 September 2009 and on or before 1 September 2011) who are not in the clinical risk group
    • one vaccine (Fluenz) contains live viruses that have been attenuated
      • live attenuated influenza vaccine has been shown to provide greater protection for children than inactivated influenza vaccine and studies have also shown meaningful efficacy after a single dose of live attenuated influenza vaccine in previously unvaccinated children
      • Fluenz is administered via nasal spray

    • Fluenz is the recommended vaccine
      • a single dose of Fluenz should be offered, irrespective of whether influenza vaccine has been received previously

    • for those children for whom Fluenz is unsuitable, a suitable inactivated influenza vaccine should be offered
      • an inactivated trivalent vaccine can be given to both two and three years olds but the quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (Fluarix Tetra) is only authorised for children aged three years and older
      • children offered inactivated influenza vaccine who have not received influenza vaccine previously should be offered a second dose of the vaccine at least four weeks later

  • all those aged six months or older in the clinical risk category
    • children aged two to 18 years of age
      • fluenz is strongly recommended as the vaccine of choice for children aged two years up to less than 18 years in clinical risk category (except those with contraindications such as immunodeficiency or with severe asthma, active wheezing or egg allergy).
        • if never received influenza vaccine before & two years to less than nine years of age, give second dose of Fluenz at least four weeks later
      • for those children for whom Fluenz is unsuitable, a suitable inactivated influenza vaccine should be offered
        • the quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (Fluarix Tetra) is only authorised for children aged three years and older
        • children aged less than nine years who have not received inactivated influenza vaccine previously should be offered a second dose of vaccine, at least four weeks after the first dose
    • people who do not fall into the above categorie
      • a single dose of inactivated influenza vaccine
      • if never received influenza vaccine before & aged six months to less than nine years of age give second dose at least four weeks later

  • all those aged 65 years or older, to include all those aged 65 years on or before 31 March 2014 (born on or before 31 March 1949)
    • a single dose of inactivated influenza vaccine


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