- 1% of boys need reoperation for bleeding or evacuation of haematoma
- ulceration and suppuration occur occasionally
- dysuria due to urethral meatitis. Some recommend the use of topical chloramphenicol to prevent meatitis from progressing to meatal stenosis
- discomfort, so not able to wear underpants for over a week after the procedure (occurs in 25%). The use of petroleum jelly prevents sticking to underwear and may ease discomfort
- removal of too much or too little skin (1)
- rarely septicaemia
Note - sexual function difficulties post-circumcision have been reported, and there is some evidence that circumcised men have more generalised pain, discomfort or non-specific penile sensations than uncircumcised men. (2)
- Iacob SI, Feinn RS, Sardi L. Systematic review of complications arising from male circumcision. BJUI Compass. 2021 Nov 11;3(2):99-123
- Bronselaer GA, Schober JM, Meyer-Bahlburg HF, et al. Male circumcision decreases penile sensitivity as measured in a large cohort. BJU Int. 2013 Feb 4.