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The complications of slipped femoral epiphysis are: (1,2)

  • avascular necrosis -
    • the most serious complication, occurring secondary to severe displacement and fixation with more than one screw
    • seen in up to 60 % of patients with unstable SCFE
    • often results in advanced and early degenerative osteoarthritis
  • coxa vara, due to fusion of the epiphysis in the slipped position, usually resulting in a painless deformity
  • contralateral slipped femoral epiphysis:
    • occurs in at least 33% of cases
    • sometimes the opposite femoral epiphysis is pinned at the time of treatment of the slipped one
  • secondary osteoarthritis occurs if there has been avascular necrosis and may result if the condition has not been reduced
  • chondrolysis -
    • there may be loss of articular cartilage
    • results in joint stiffness and pain
    • the rate has decreased (from 5 - 7 % to 1 - 2%) with improved surgical techniques.


  1. Peck DM, Voss LM, Voss TT; Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis: Diagnosis and Management. Am Fam Physician. 2017 Jun 15;95(12):779-784.
  2. Samelis PV, Papagrigorakis E, Konstantinou AL, et al; Factors Affecting Outcomes of Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis. Cureus. 2020 Feb 5;12(2)

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