Know yourself - you will then know your partner better
Continue courtship after marriage - romantic evenings, unexpected gifts especially flowers, personal activities like massaging and dancing and tell your partner 'I love you' regularly
Share interests and goals - don't become too independent but develop mutual friends, interests and hobbies
Make love, not war - learn about sex and reproduction and work at a good sexual relationship, exploring techniques without feeling shy or inhibited, use books and videos. Good grooming and a clean body help.
Cherish your partner - be proud of each other, not competitive or ambitious at each other's expense. Talk kindly about your partner to others, don't put them down.
Prepare for parenthood - plan your family wisely and learn about family planning, child bearing and rearing
Seek proper help when problems arise - stress and depression can particularly damage a marriage and the children and should be recognised and treated by the GP
Do as you would be done by - be aware of each other's feelings and be sensitive to each others' needs
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