There are a number of things to search for or carry out during an OGD examination:
- in the oesophagus:
- look for webs or carcinoma in the upper third
- lower oesophagus:
- look for mucosal fold inflammation due to duodenitis
- note the distance from the incisors
- check for hiatus hernia
- take brushings or biopsy of any lesion
- in the stomach:
- on entry note any abnormalities, e.g. tumour, blood, bile, retained fluids or food
- aspirate excessive fluid to prevent inhalation
- rotate the 'scope around to view the whole lumen
- if indicated, obtain brushings or biopsy
- look at the pylorus and note:
- mobility
- deformity
- inflammation
- in the duodenum, carry out full inspection
On withdrawal, reinspect the mucosal surfaces and aspirate insufflated gas.