Female pattern hair loss is a common condition characterized by a diffuse reduction in hair density over the crown and frontal scalp with retention of the frontal hairline.
- FPHL is now the preferred term for androgenic alopecia (AGA) in women (1)
- the prevalence and severity increases with advancing age (2)
- prevalence in the UK and USA studies in Caucasian women show similar frequencies, increasing from 3% to 6% in women aged under 30 years to 29 to 42% in women aged 70 and over
- oriental women have a lower frequency of androgenetic alopecia than women of European origin (2)
The exact aetiology of female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is not known
- there is a progressive miniaturization of hairs, resulting in loss of hair density and widening of the midline part clinically
- in contrast to male-pattern hair loss, the androgenic nature of FPHL is not clear and women often have normal hormonal profiles and no other signs of androgenization
- hypothesized that FPHL has a polygenetic mode of transmission
- it is thought that early- and late-onset female AGA are genetically distinct (2)
Most women present with a history of gradual thinning of scalp hair, often over a period of several years
- hair loss can start at any time between early teens and late middle age - however hair loss may precede pubarche and menarche (1)
- frequently a history of excessive hair shedding, but unlike telogen effluvium, hair thinning is usually noticed from the outset
Pattern of hair loss
- examination of the scalp shows three different patterns:
- diffuse thinning of the crown region with preservation of the frontal hairline - two scales can be used to describe this pattern
- the commonly used 3-point Ludwig scale
- the 5-point Sinclair scale
- thinning and widening of the central part of the scalp with breach of frontal hairline (christmas tree pattern) - assessed by Olsen scale
- thinning associated with bitemporal recession - Hamilton-Norwood type (2)
- in some women the hair loss may affect a quite small area of the frontal scalp whereas in others the entire scalp is involved, including the parietal and occipital regions
- although many women develop a minor degree of postpubertal recession at the temples whether or not they have diffuse hair loss
- usually straightforward but other causes of diffuse hair loss may need to be excluded, particularly when the hair loss progresses rapidly
- occasionally, systemic lupus erythematosus can also present in this way
- in alopecia areata there may be hair loss in other sites
- hypothyroidism is also in the differential
- antiandrogens and topical minoxidil have been used in the management of this condition (3)