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Diagnosis and management

Authoring team

  • diagnosis is frequently missed because clinicians lack familiarity with lipoedema and because it clinically resembles lymphoedema
    • lipedema results from the subcutaneous deposition of fat and occurs independently of lymphatic or venous insufficiency
    • patient history and physical examination are usually sufficient to differentiate lipoedema from lymphoedema
      • although there may be a blurring of the clinical features of these two conditions when lipoedema has persisted for several years
      • patients with severe, long-standing lipoedema may eventually develop mechanical insufficiency of the lymphatic system and superimposed lymphoedema, producing "lipolymphoedema"
      • in lipolymphoedema, the initially soft lipedematous tissue may become firm and nodular. Foot enlargement, including a positive Stemmer's sign, may develop
        • a positive Stemmer's sign is a skin fold at the base of the second toe too thick to lift
    • MRI
      • findings include a homogenous increase in subcutaneous fat with little/no fibrosis; no skin thickening
  • treatment options for lipoedema are limited
    • dieting, diuretics, leg elevation, and compression appear to be of minimal benefit
      • long-term low-level compression therapy is unlikely to reverse lipoedema it may help prevent its worsening and progression to lipolymph-edema
    • attempts to treat invasively via lipectomy or liposuction are not recommended because they risk causing mechanical damage to the lymphatics


  • 1) Fonder MA et al. Lipedema, a frequently unrecognized problem Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2007; 57 (2): S1-S3.

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The content herein is provided for informational purposes and does not replace the need to apply professional clinical judgement when diagnosing or treating any medical condition. A licensed medical practitioner should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions.


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