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Occupational chemical carcinogens

Authoring team

The identification of occupational carcinogens often is not easy because of the presence of confounding factors, such as multiple risk factors in the studied population, and the long latency before the resulting tumours present. However, the following list details a few of the more definite associations: CHEMICAL TUMOUR OCCUPATION

  • aromatic amines bladder cancer printing and and azo dyes rubber industry
  • arsenic skin, lung cancer copper & cobalt smelting, pesticide production
  • asbestos larynx, lung & asbestos mining, pleural cancer insulation workers
  • nickel & nasal sinuses, smelting & pigment chromium bronchial carcinoma manufacture
  • benzene marrow, especially glue and varnish erythroleukaemia manufacturers
  • insecticides lymphoma agriculture & fungicides
  • vinyl chloride liver angiosarcoma PVC manufacture

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