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Granulosa cell tumours are the most common, and account for 5% of all solid ovarian tumours. 5% occur before puberty, 40% after the menopause. 5% are bilateral. These tumours may be non-functional, oestrogenic or rarely, virilising. They may be associated with endometrial cancer in adults or or sexual pseudoprecosity in children. Histologically, they are characterised by Call-Exner bodies. Prognosis is generally good despite a tendency to recur.

Thecomas are one third as common as granulosa cell tumours. Two thirds occur after the menopause. They may secrete oestrogen or occasionally, be virilising. They are usually unilateral and benign. Often, tumours have both granulosa and thecal elements - granulosa-theca cell tumours.

Fibromas are solid benign tumours which consist entirely of fibrous tissue and do not secrete steroids. Frequently, they contain theca elements - fibrothecomas. They occur in Meig's syndrome.

Sertoli cell and Leydig cell tumours are rare. Mixed tumours may occur called arrhenoblastomas. They are usually androgenic.

Pure Leydig cell tumours are very rare, and may be referred to as lipid cell tumours. They are usually virilising producing adrenal corticoids and Cushing's syndrome. They are frequently located in the ovarian hilus.

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