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There is no single gold standard method for the diagnosis of Crohn’s disease. Diagnosis is based on clinical evaluation and a combination of endoscopic, radiological and pathological evidence of the disease (1).

  • history and examination
    • careful history of chronic, remitting disease - the problems may take months or years to clinically manifest,
    • inquire about onset of symptoms, recent travel, food intolerance, medication (e.g. NSAIDs), history of appendectomy
    • look for any risk factors e.g. –smoking, family history, recent infectious gastroenteritis
    • features of any extraintestinal manifestations - in mouth, skin, eye, joints (1)
  • initial laboratory investigations
    • full blood count
    • CRP or ESR
    • urea and electrolytes (2)
    • liver function test (including albumin) (3)
    • faecal calprotectin – to identify gut inflammation
    • microbiological testing - for infectious diarrhoea (including Clostridium difficile toxin) (1)
  • other investigation methods used include
    • plain abdominal x-ray
    • barium studies of small and large bowel showing narrowing - Kantor's string sign of the terminal ileum - and skip lesions
    • sigmoidoscopy and rectal biopsy
    • colonoscopy with multiple biopsy (1,2).

Crohn's disease confined to the colon may be difficult to discriminate from ulcerative colitis. Features that may help discriminate the two conditions are described under 'diagnosis of ulcerative colitis'.


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The content herein is provided for informational purposes and does not replace the need to apply professional clinical judgement when diagnosing or treating any medical condition. A licensed medical practitioner should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions.


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