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Round Up Email June 2020

This email highlight various diverse subjects including: "sick day rules" in type 2 diabetes, update concerning use to topical HRT in atrophic vaginitis and the use of FIT in the 2ww urgent lower GI cancer pathway.

  • Question 1

    Updated "sick day rules" for type 2 Diabetes. Which medication to stop and which to continue is detailed in this page on GPn.: Type 2 diabetes and intercurrent illness

    1) Which of the following statements about sick day rules in type 2 diabetes is true?

  • Question 2

    Updated guidance regarding use of topical HRT for atrophic vaginitis.: Topical HRT in the management of urogenital symptoms

    2) Which statement regarding use of topical HRT in urogenital atrophy is true

  • Question 3

    FIT in the 2ww Urgent Lower GI pathway – what does this mean for us GPs.: FIT as screening or triage of 2ww lower GI referrals

    3) Which statement regarding use of Faecal Immunochemical Testing (FIT) in the 2ww lower GI pathway is true?

  • Question 4

    Diabetes and dementia risk.: Diabetes (DM) and dementia risk

    4) Which statement regarding diabetes and dementia risk is true?

  • Question 5

    The UKONS primary care assessment tool for assessing patients with systemic anti-cancer therapies is summarised on GPn.: Primary Care Risk Assessment Tool for Oncology / Haematology Patients

    5) Which statement regarding the UKONS primary care assessment tool is true?

  • Question 6

    Management of Vitamin D deficiency in a child – a "key facts" page on GPn.: Vitamin D deficiency in a child

    6) Which statement regarding vitamin D deficiency in a child is true?

The content herein is provided for informational purposes and does not replace the need to apply professional clinical judgement when diagnosing or treating any medical condition. A licensed medical practitioner should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions.


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